December 2014

Dear Ones,

I am absolutely gobsmacked that we will soon say goodbye to 2014. Howie Stone's upcoming service will ask us to reflect on the year past and dream for the year ahead, and so I will. I am grateful and proud to serve this Congregation. We are enjoying an exciting time.

From the crow's nest it is visible that we are ALIVE! Our child, youth, and adult programs are growing, families and young people are discovering us, long-time members freely offer their wisdom and support, membership increases, our staff is increasingly stable and skilled, our presence in the community is growing, and our ministry to one another brings us closer. We've worked hard to build a thriving community and we continue to bask in the glow of success. 

I'll speak for myself and claim some missteps and bumps and bruises in our work together. I'm well aware of the patience of the Congregation in giving me the room to experiment in the name of building a healthy Congregation. It is important to remember that hiccups do not divide us, they create a space for ministry, deeper understanding and compassion. We need not wait for January to dream for our Congregational life. I've witnessed the Board of Trustees labor each month challenged by new opportunities and being mindful of preserving our identity. They've been gracious as I've been a handful!

My point is that the Board dreams often. I dream often. Do you dream for our Congregation? Have you shared your dreams with someone?

I dream that this Congregation becomes a very important touchstone for each of us.
I dream that the Congregation becomes the center of our lives.
I dream that our Congregation takes the first in line for our time and resources.
I dream that our children will live as Unitarian Universalists.
I dream that because of our Congregation, we will live better lives.

Each of us will be afforded time during Howie's service on December 28th to dream and commit to realizing our dreams. I'll be there and hope you will join me. May you experience the comforts and joy this season offers. May you be bold enough to dream.

Blessings, Rev. CJ


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