Message from Rev CJ. March 1
As I was writing for our newsletter blog I realized I have much to share with you and so I decided to send this email.
I shared with the Congregation that I have been called as the settled minister in our Fort Myers congregation. My contract with our Congregation ends April 30. You may have felt some changes in my presence over the last month. I've been intentional about phasing out. This does not mean I'm working less on behalf of the Congregation. I've been very involved in religious education, developing a lay pastoral care program, managing administrative projects, supervising our intern minister, pastoral care, adult education, working with community organizations, working with our board, and participating in UU Ministers Association work. I tell you this because I want you to know I'm fully in the game even though you might see me less. I'm here if you need me.
Our intern minister, Claudia Jiménez, will also be leaving 1stUUPB on April 30. Claudia will spend her second year of her internship serving our Stuart congregation. Claudia has made an impact during her time here. Her commitment to adult education, pastoral care, and preaching has supported the work of the Congregation in a big way. Most interns are compensated for their work. Claudia is not. Her seminary expenses are quite high and her travel to us has also hit her pocketbook. It would be a supportive gesture to offer Claudia funds to attend General Assembly and her housing while she is there. If you'd like to be part of this gesture simply send your gift to the office and our office administrator, Barbara, will make sure your gift is added to the collection. We have been a teaching congregation this year and sending Claudia off in this way is the right thing to do.
Our religious education program experiences change often. However, please know that despite change we have a program prepared each Sunday. Families can count on that. Currently Rebecca Peets is offering programming every Sunday. The Board will be working to fill a very part- time position over the next few months.
I hope these updates are helpful.
Blessings, CJ
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